Breastfeeding + Newborn Support Group

Tuesdays, 4-Week Series 10-11:30am
Cost: By Donation
6 Parent-baby dyads maximum

A breastfeeding and newborn support group for new mothers, chestfeeding parents and their infants 0-4 months. Guidance by a Certified Lactation Counselor and peer support will be offered in a nurturing environment. Pearls of wisdom will be shared about breastfeeding tips and newborn care, as well as individual attention for your baby and your changing self weekly.

Topics discussed:

  • breastfeeding positioning and latch

  • avoiding sore nipples and infection

  • milk supply

  • adjusting to lack of sleep

  • physical and emotional transitions

  • normal newborn development

  • coping strategies and sustainable routines

  • relationship with partners, family, and friends

  • the joys and challenges of new parenting

  • and more...